Saturday, February 2, 2008

A HUGE Small Business Marketing Mistake

One of the biggest mistakes small business owners make is not having a cohesive and consistent marketing system. Instead, everything is ad hoc. Very tactical. A little of this...a little of that. "Let's try this today. Well, that didn't work, let's try something else tomorrow."

By cohesive, I mean...

  • Every marketing piece should be designed to feed the sales funnel. (Turn readers/watchers/listeners into leads/inquiries/visitors.)
  • Every marketing piece should communicate the same central message. (Your USP, unless it's a purely lead-generation piece--in which case it should sell the benefits of your lead-generation device, be it a white paper, special report, video, etc.)
  • Each marketing piece should "pre-sell" the company, product, or service.
  • Every piece should work in tandem with all the other pieces, so they all reinforce each other. (Website reinforces and expounds on print ads. E-mail campaign reinforces the core story, Etc.)
  • Marketing should be consistent with the sales message. In other words, the sales side should be a logical extension of the external marketing.
  • Marketing should be consistently delivered...that is, it should be a regular system that acts like clockwork, producing the same results every time.
Your marketing system should be written down and documented. It should be designed from the ground up to be consistent and cohesive. In other words, each piece of your marketing matrix should be like a team-member, reinforcing all the other pieces.

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